Being involved in an auto accident can be traumatic, especially if you sustain an injury. Experts estimate that in 2013 alone some 2.31 million people were injured in car accidents. While many people associate auto accidents with physical injuries, you may find that you have also sustained some emotional damage as well.
Developing PTSD after an auto accident can negatively impact your life, and could qualify you to receive compensation for your pain and suffering. Here are three signs to watch for after your auto accident that could indicate you are developing PTSD.
1. You feel anxious when faced with reminders of your accident.
One obvious sign that your recent auto accident has left you with some lingering post-traumatic stress is the development of anxiety when faced with reminders of your accident. If you notice that your palms begin to sweat, you experience some shortness of breath, or your heart begins to race when you hear brakes screeching or a horn honking, these anxiety symptoms could indicate that you are developing PTSD.
Visit with a healthcare professional to discuss your anxiety, then talk with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine if your PTSD-related anxiety qualifies you for financial compensation.
2. You begin to avoid driving.
If the anxiety you feel being in a vehicle after you have been in an auto accident is so great that you begin to avoid driving, this could be a sign that you are suffering from PTSD.
Statistics show that the average person spends 101 minutes each day driving. If you cannot drive because of your PTSD, you may find it difficult to get to and from work, or you may miss out on attending social functions where you can interact with your family and friends.
Talk to your lawyer about the possibility of filing a personal injury lawsuit in the near future.
3. You have difficulty sleeping or experience distressing dreams.
One of the more common symptoms of PTSD is the inability to sleep or the presence of distressing dreams when you finally are able to rest. If you are anxious about trying to fall asleep because you don't want to face persistent distressing dreams, then you could be suffering emotionally.
Emotional distress is a major element in many personal injury cases, and your lawyer will be able to help you determine if you are eligible to receive financial compensation as a result of the emotional distress your lack of (or troubled) sleep is causing you.
Developing PTSD after an auto accident can create many challenges in your life. Talk to your lawyer about the possibility of receiving financial compensation to help you combat and overcome these challenges in the future. Visit for more information.